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Navigate the Microsoft Licensing price changes with expert guidance

Microsoft recently announced that as of 1st April 2023 the cost of their cloud products is set to rise by 9%.

We want to help you mitigate the impact of this increase to your business. Our in-house licensing expert is available to discuss both short and long term strategies to navigate these changes.

Who will be impacted by this change?

Microsoft have taken a unified approach to the price adjustment which will be equal for all categories of commercial and public sector customers, including government, education and non-profit organisations.

What will be impacted?

  • Pricing for existing subscriptions for seat-based cloud services are protected during the term of the subscription at the original billing price.
  • Additional CSP seats added to an existing subscription established prior to April 1st 2023 will be at the original billing price.
  • Popular products impacted include, but are not limited to, Microsoft 365 E5 and E3, Office 365 plans and Dynamics licensing.

Questions we haven't answered? Book some time with our licensing expert Kieran for further advice.

Why choose Infinity to help with your licensing needs?

We know that changes like these can cause uncertainty. We're here to help you navigate these changes and understand what the best plan-of-action is for you business.

  • Tier 1 Microsoft Direct Cloud Solution Provider

    This means we work directly with Microsoft and therefore have access to the best CSP commercial terms for our clients.

  • Solutions Partner for Modern Work and Business Applications

    We are Microsoft approved partners for solutions in their Modern Work and Business Apps product portfolios.

  • Direct access to a Microsoft Licensing expert

    You can book in a quick call, when most convenient for you, directly with our Microsoft licensing expert using the calendar above.

Clients we've worked with 

  • LCP_Logo
  • ESP_Logo
  • Catch22_Logo
  • Spy_Alarms_Logo

Our licensing expert

Kieran Zeller - Licensing Solutions Consultant 

Kieran has over 10 years of experience in software licensing consultancy in the IT and services industry, in various software licensing related roles. He is passionate about delivering high levels of customer satisfaction. Kieran is also a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in Licensing, Dynamics 365, Azure and the Power Platform.

Book time with Kieran today.


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